Him Yuva Jan Kalyan Sangathan (Work for Humanity) celebrated 5th Annual Function on 2nd October 2019 at Ramjas Sports Complex, West Patel Nagar New Delhi.
It was really great event organized by Him Yuva Jan Kalyan Sangathan in Delhi. The Major attraction of the event was Volleyball competition most excitement activities and participated by Himachali players. The objective of the organization is to motivate sports and Himachali cultural.

Many famous personalities presented on this annual function. Chief Guest Sh. Prakash Rana Hon’ble Memeber of Legisiative Assembly (H.P. Vidhan Sabha), Shri. Sudhir Jha (Social Worker & Businessman), Sh. Satpal Kharwal (Counseller), Manohar Thakur, Sh. Gandhi Ram , Sh. Beni Chand Thakur, Man Singh Jaswal (Businessmen), Hony. Capt. Bhim Sen (Most Sr. Member, HY JKS), Ms. Aruna (1st Lady Member of HY JKS) and many others.

President of the Him YUVA JAN KALYAN SANGATHAN Mr. Satbir Singh Thakur and Team welcomed all the chief guest.

Cultural program also organized by Sangathan and our singers Ayub Khan, Kulbir Rana, Bablu performed on pahari songs like “Tera Bhola Hai , Bhandari”, “Chamba Aaar ke Nadidya paar”, “Lachi Lanchi Log glande”, “Es bo Grayne de lambra”, Humare Desa Ra Dil” and many others and people did dance / naati by all the members of the organization.
Himachali Dham also organized by Sangathan and people enjoyed Himachali Dham as well.

At the end trophies and awards given to volleyball runner up and winner team.

We would like to congratulation and thanks to Mr. Satbir Thakur the president of the organization and all the members for great event.

Nice memories pics and wonderful event, gathering with our beloved himachalies