Kaku Ram Thakur awarded Best Voice of Himachal Him Gaurav by All India Pravashi Himachali United Front

हिमाचल प्रदेश के जिला चम्बा के निवासी प्रदेश के प्रसिद्ध लोक गायक काकू राम को अखिल भारतीय प्रवासी हिमाचल संयुक्त मोर्चा द्वारा चंडीगढ़ में “हिमाचल की आवाज” “बेस्ट वॉइस ऑफ हिमाचल अवार्ड” “हिम गौरव पुरस्कार” से सम्मानित किया गया।

kakru ram awared

इस अवसर पर अध्यक्ष अखिल भारतीय प्रवासी हिमाचल संयुक्त मोर्चा ने काकू राम की कला साधना और उनके अनुभव को देखते हुए अपने अभिभाषण में कहा कि दिल्ली आईसीआर, कोलकाता , मुंबई, हिमाचल सभा डेराबस्सी, गाजियाबाद, नोएडा ,गुड़गांव ,पुण: और देश के अन्य स्थानों पर कार्य कर रही उनकी यह संस्था आशा करती है कि आज “ हिम गौरव के पुरुस्कार से पुरस्कृत होने वाला यह कलाकार काकू राम भविष्य में “पदम श्री सम्मान ” से सम्मानित हो।

काकू राम को वर्तमान मुकाम तक पहुंचने के लिए अनेकों उतार-चढ़ाव और संघर्षों से गुजरना पड़ा है ।

अपनी अनूठी गायन कला के बल पर काकू राम ने ना केवल चम्बा, हिमाचल ही नहीं अपितु अन्य राज्य में भी पहाड़ी पंजाबी हिंदी गीतों के अलावा भजन गायक के रूप में ख्याति और अहम स्थान बनाया है ।

प्रदेश का शायद ही कोई ऐसा मेला, त्यौहार, पर्व होगा जिसने काकू राम की प्रभावी उपस्थिति दर्ज ना होती हो।

कार्यक्रम कोई भी हो अगर काकू राम मंच पर है तो पंडाल में दर्शक झूमते ही नजर आते हैं।

गायन की विविधता, अदायगी, नृत्य, प्रस्तुति में जोश, और दर्शकों को सम्मोहित करने की अदा का प्रतिफल यह है कि काकू राम ठाकुर आज प्रदेश के प्रतिष्ठित प्रथम श्रेणी के लोक कलाकारों में अपना अहम स्थान बना चुका है ।

मंच कार्यक्रमों के अतिरिक्त विभिन्न ऑडियो वीडियो कंपनियों के माध्यम से हिमाचली लोक संस्कृति के प्रचार-प्रसार व संवर्धन में जुटा यह कर्मयोगी निरंतर कला के पथ पर अग्रसर हो कर नित नए समीकरण बना रहा है।

महानुभाव..” किसी भी लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति के लिए आवश्यक है कि मनुष्य धैर्य, परिश्रम, निस्वार्थ भाव, उत्साह और इमानदारी से निरंतर अपने कर्म पथ पर अग्रसर रहे।

बाधाओं और कठिनाइयों का सामना करते हुए लक्ष्य साधने के लिए जो भी इंसान अपने पथ पर बढ़ता जाएगा वह अपनी मंजिल तक अवश्य पहुंच जाएगा “

इन पंक्तियों को चरितार्थ करने वाले प्रदेश के सुप्रसिद्ध गायक काकू राम ने अपनी बाल्यावस्था में जो कल्पनाएं कि, जिन सपनों को देखा उन्हें अपनी अथक मेहनत साधना और मां सरस्वती के आशीर्वाद से साकार होते पाया है।

हिमाचल जिला चम्बा के कीड़ी के दूरस्थ गांव के किसान परिवार में जन्मे काकू राम गायन के प्रति रुचि बचपन से ही थी ।

नन्हा बालक काकू राम जब भी स्थानीय मेलों ,त्यौहारों पर्वो इत्यादि में सुनता तो उन जैसा बनने की कल्पना में खो जाता ।

घर से स्कूल के मार्ग में देवदार के घनेरे ऊंचे ऊंचे पेड़ों के नीचे तोतली गूंजती आवाज से जोर-जोर से गाते काकू राम को यूं आभास होता मानो गाने की आवाज से दर्शक सम्मोहित होकर पेड़ों की शाखाओं के संग झूम रहे हैं ।

यह काकू राम का सौभाग्य ही था कि उनकी कला प्रतिभा को प्राथमिक स्तर पर ही स्कूल के अध्यापकों ने ही पहचान लिया ।

गांव के निर्धन परिवार में जन्मे बालक के कंठ में सरस्वती माता के वास का परिणाम था कि काकू राम ठाकुर को गुरुजनों ने उसकी मंजिल तक पहुंचाने के लिए हर संभव प्रोत्साहन दिया ।

घरेलू परिस्थितियों के चलते काकू राम ठाकुर के जीवन में संघर्ष का दौर तब आया जब उन्हें अपना घर बार छोड़कर चम्बा शहर में पढ़ना और रहना पड़ा।

नन्हा नासमझ बालक गांव से शहर तो चला आया लेकिन अपने लक्ष्य ,अपने सपनों से उसका ध्यान ना हटा
अब वह शिक्षा के साथ-साथ नए अनजाने लोगों के बीच गायक बनने के लक्ष्य को साधने के लिए सशक्त सेतु को भी तलाशने लगा।

काकू राम को शीघ्र ही योग्य गुरु और मार्गदर्शक के रूप में चम्बा के संगीत विद्वान “अनिल भारद्वाज ” का सानिध्य प्राप्त हुआ ।

उन्होंने न केवल गायन बारीकियों से ही काकू राम ठाकुर को अवगत करवाया अपितु कला के क्षेत्र में अपना लक्ष्य प्राप्त करने के लिए साधना, समर्पण, स्पष्टवादिता जैसे सदगुणों को अपनाने की शिक्षा दी।

काकू राम ने “हिम गौरव” का अपना अवार्ड अपने माता-पिता, गुरुजनों , साथियों व संघर्ष के समय मदद करने वाली सभी शख्सियतों को समर्पित किया है ।



Himachal Pradesh celebrating Goldan Jubilee Year

Himachali Pradesh celebrating golden Jubilee year of its statehood day!

Himachali are shining all the way on National & International Level in all the Fields. (S.S.Dogra)

Nestled in the northern Himalayan region of India, Himachal Pradesh is famous worldwide for natural beauty, snowy mountains, tourist and religious places by the name Devbhoomi. On 25 January 1971, exactly 50 years ago, Himachal got statehood status in the Republic of India.

However, if you look at the history of Himachal, Although if we look at the history of Himachal, it got the status of Union Territory on 1st November 1956 itself and credit goes to Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar who incidentally also became the first Chief Minister of Himachal.

Always ready to give a different identity to the hilly region and all round development of the hills, therefore it will not be an exaggeration to call him the father of Himachal, it is worth mentioning that Himachalis have shown their patriotism, honesty, intellectual, God-faith, creative, social service, with the qualities of humanity, bravery, hard work, simplicity, etc., made a unique identity of the state in India as well as abroad which is really a matter of pride for any Himachali.

Last year, even during the Karona epidemic, the state government-residents also made commendable efforts in their state in the prevention of this global disease – which inspired other states as well, and the Himachal government also helped its residents to get their online documents done while sitting at home. A remarkable initiative.

Let us also look at the important and historical facts of Himachal state, according to the geography, this state is spread over a total of 55,673 square kilometer plot, where most of the area is hilly, 50 years ago Himachal population was 34,60,434 which has become 75 lakhs in the year 2020. Because I remember very well when in the 70-80s, when I used to go to my paternal place to spend their holidays, then at that time Himachal was deprived of basic facilities, mainly electricity, water, roads, transport facilities, hospitals was battling for the infrastructure of educational institutions etc.

But where is the good fortune of the state that all the Chief Ministers who hold the reins of the state? Parmar, Thakur Ram Lal ji, Virbhadra Singh ji, Santa Kumar ji, Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal ji, and presently Jai Ram Thakur ji, during their tenure, have served whole-heartedly in bringing their state on the top, here due to the awareness, responsible behavior of the residents of the state, all of them together, have also set a commendable example in creating a glorious image of Himachal in front of the whole country.

The state is a symbol of communal unity where many temples, mosques, gurudwaras, churches have been established with great respect.

Bodh Dharma Guru – Lakhs of Tiwvatis have settled peacefully in Dharamshala, permanently under the guidance of the Novel Prize winning Dalai Lama ji.

Be it Mughal rulers or British-politicians since ancient times, people associated with film television, tourists from abroad – love Himachal with their hearts, Bharat Ratna and former Prime Minister have built his bungalow in Manali long time ago. The present Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji also expressed his special affection towards the state of Himachal during the inauguration of the Atal Tunnel.

Today Himachal has been able to create basic infrastructure in almost all the areas during its struggle journey of 50 years, today Baddi Industrial Area has developed extensively in the state. All the 12 districts of the state Chamba, Kangra, Una, Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Kullu, Lahaul Spiti, Kinnaur, Shimla, Sirmaur, Solan are connected by road. But now the need is felt to develop some new rail and air routes in the state.

Himachali has been the main center of attraction because full of Pollution free zones with beautiful rivers, lakes, waterfalls, icy mountains, green valleys.
In a pure environment, the state should now also take serious steps towards developing a Media, sports university & Film City, as a result of which, besides nurturing the talent in their own state, the future generation will shine in the sports, media and film world, besides employment and economic will also help strengthen the state will automatically prosper. Although Himachalis have also limited resources, agriculture, medical, engineering, literature, army, education, social service, politics, police, administration, art, culture, environment, IT, sports, media, television, film, In almost all fields, the country, abroad has brought a lot of fame, and now the day is not far away when, in the coming future, on the strength of his intellectual leadership, there will be a Himachali on the glorious throne of the highest post of India i.e. President or Prime Minister. By the way it’s a fact that Himachali are shining all the way on National & international Level in all the fields.

Article by S. S Dogra : Web: http://ssdogra.com/

(Author: Has written three books on media education, currently working as Asst. Professor in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication in FIMT College, as well as Delhi Bureau Chief of Himalini magazine published from Nepal.)

Raanjhanaa New Himachali Song Released by (JMC)

Himachal Pradesh’s music company Jayanti Mata Cassettes (JMC) has come up with a very famous folk saga “Raanjhanaa” from Himachal.

In this love story, a princess falls in love with a guard but as the guard is married, he rejects the princess’s proposal and thus this love story remains incomplete.

This love story is sung in the form of folklore in Himachal Pradesh. The singer of this love story is Sunil Rana ji, the famous singer of Himachal and this love story has been directed by Surinder Paniyari ji, the famous director of Himachal. Hope you will like this effort and you will give lot of love and blessings by commenting and sharing it as much as possible.

(JMC) Music Company Kangra Parivar Ashu Gupta Ji, Atul Gupta Ji, Master Sushant Gupta thank you all for all the love for our YouTube channel.

Song: Raanjhanaa
Singer : Sunil Rana
FT. Kavita Sarman
Cast: Kashmiri Lal, Hansraj
Lyrics: Traditional
Director: Surinder Paniyari
Music Direct, Paramjeet Pammi
Dope: Ramesh Yadav
MD : Ashu Gupta
Producer: Atul Gupta
Makeup : Jassi Patiala
Chief Asset Director: Rakesh Paniyari
Post Production : Sir Entertainment
Music Level: Jayanti Mata Cassette (JMC)
Digital Partner: GoBindas Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.

Health Department Organized a Camp in Government Senior Secondary School, Jandru

Health Department organized a camp in Government Senior Secondary School, Jandru. “स्वस्थ रहेगा इंडिया तभी आगे बढ़ेगा इंडिया ” Vaccination camp started with this slogan.

The Covid vaccination campaign was carried out by the Health Department in the Government Senior Secondary School Jandru and almost 120 children were vaccinated.

Jandru, senior secondary school
Senior Secondary School , Jandru

Dr Surinder Singh Dogra first encouraged the children for vaccination and told them that even after the dose of vaccination, masks, hand washing and proper distance have to be adopted.

Dr Surinder Singh Dogra says that immunity itself gives birth to good health in our life. Good health will make a healthy India. Health Supervisor Shakti Chauhan, Health Worker Vidya Devi, staff nurse Anupama, Asha Worker Sushma Devi, Saurav Thakur, PHC Staff and others people have rendered their services.

Adolescent Health Issues and Awareness

On National Adolescent Health day at Sr. Secondary School Bir Bagehra village of Sujanpur Tira tehsil, about 140 children were vaccinated, in which M.O. Dr. Surinder Singh Dogra urged children to keep washing hands from time to time and follow cleanliness so that there is less fear of spreading the disease.

Dr. Dogra told that the children had a lot of support to win the battle of Krona. Children was seen creating awareness by making posters and writing slogans. Due to people getting their children vaccinated by taking their children to the vaccination center.

Apart from Dr Surinder Singh Dogra other staff members including Health Educator Sunil Kumar, Dr. Sumit Rana, Anil Chand, Rajinder Singh FHS Shakti Chauhan, FHW Vidya Devi and Tripta Devi Nursing officer also presented on this occasion.

Made Volunteers Aware of Indian Culture and Health by Dr. Surinder Singh Dogra

Seven days NSS camp was organized at Government Senior Secondary School Jangal Beri.

Dr. Surinder Singh Dogra, who is in-charge of Primary Health Center Jangal Beri as a chief guest gave a speech about Indian culture and health to the students who participated the camp.


He said that how a teacher plays his role in nation building by giving lessons to the students.

Dr. Dogra said that health is the key to do everything in our life.

Kulbhushan, Saroj, Pyaar Chand, Dr. Vasudev Sharma, Martial Arts and social worker Madan Lal, Panchaayat Samiti Sadshya Shravan, Surjeet, Jangal panchaayat pradhaan, Shakuntala and ward member Indu were presented in the the program.

Students also performed culture program.

Also, same time other NSS Camp organized in Bir Bhagehra and Dr. Surinder Singh Dogra motivated all the Volunteers about health importance in life.