Everyone is familiar with our Celebrity Himachali pahadi the Delhi-based star, Richa Sharma. She has recently launched her Pahadi lohri lokgeet, showcasing her beautiful voice. During the lohri festival week, numerous memes were created by Himachali individuals on instagram. This lohri song evokes the beauty of traditional festival and its associated emotions. Please enjoy her famous song and follow and subscribe her channel.
Pran Pratishtha Day will be Memorable-Dr Rajeev Bindal
Himachal Samaj Delhi Pradesh Celebrated 22nd Annual Lohri Festival January 2024

Manoj Dogra : Himachal Samaj, Delhi Pradesh, a social organization of Himachalis living in Delhi, celebrated its 22nd Lohri and New Year annual festival on Sunday 7th January with great joy and enthusiasm at Vindal Vatika Sant Nagar Burari Nathu Pura Delhi.
Mr. Manejer Singh Leader of Himachal Samaj Delhi Pradesh said that like every year, this year also various types of cultural programs based on the art and culture of Himachal presented by Himachali folk artists and singers.
Mohit Garg, a very famous singer from Himachal, made people dance to his songs.
Team Sunny from Himachali Sanskrit Kala Manch Delhi Pradesh presented Himachali songs and folk dances. Children also danced a lot on Himachali songs.
There are many Himachali singers living in Delhi also gave their performance like Vinod Dogra, Deeksha Thakur, Baldev Sankhyan, Sunita Rana. Kulbir Rana and Vikas Rana also forced people to dance.
Special guests dignitaries of Himachal society and representatives of social service organizations who came to the function were specially honoured. Specially in the function, the President of Temple Cell BJP Delhi State Karnal Singh said from the stage towards Ghosna that a special train and arrangements for accommodation, food and darshan will be made for the Himachalis living in Delhi to go to Ram Temple Ayodhya in his cell. It will be free of cost from Shri Baba Balak Nath Ji, the family deity of Himachals.
On behalf of Himachal Samaj Delhi Pradesh, Ranjit Singh Rana honored him by wearing a memento and a Himachali cap, the pride of Himachal. General Secretary Kulbir Rana said that all the guests who came to the Himachali function enjoyed the delicious and delicious traditional Himachali Dham prepared by the cooks specially brought from Himachal.
Special guests at the function included K K Saklani, Prakash Sharma, S N Sharma, Kulbhushan Pradhan, Vijay Dogra, Manohar Lal Thakur, Yasodha ji, Pradeep thakur, Rakesh Chandra, Gandhi ji, Rajendra Thakur, Kishori lal Sharma, Manoj Dogra, Valdev Sakhyan, Subhash Thakur, Puneet Sharma, Pawan Vasudev, Pawan Sharma, Lalit Dogra, Rakesh Thakur, Satish Bedi, Ajit Chauhan, Naresh Thakur, Rajendra Sharma, Rajneesh Katoch, Rahul, Anirudh Sharma and many other famous personalities were presented in the program.
Source: Manoj Dogra
Himachal Pradesh Cricket Squad (Team) 2024
Himachal Pradesh Cricket Ranji Trophy Squad 2024
Himachal Cricket Squad For Ranji Trophy 2024
Following are Himachali Ranji Trophy Squad for 2024
- Akunsh Bains : Wicketkeeper Batsman
- Prashant Chopra : Opening Batsman
- Ekant Sen : Batsman
- Rishi Dhawan : Allrounder
- Sumeet Verma : Allrounder
- Nikhil Gangta : Allrounder
- Akash Vasisht : Allrounder
- Vaibhav Arora : Bowler
- Mayank Dagar : Bowler
- Arpit Guleria : Bowler
- Avikash : Batting / Bowling
- Amit Kumar : Batting / Bowling
- Vinay Galetiya : Batting / Bowling
- Gurvinder Singh : Batting / Bowling
- Ankit Kalsi : Batting / Bowling
- Naveen Kanwar : Batting / Bowling
- Shubham Arora : Batting
Divya Rana Represented Himachal in Khelo India

दिव्या राणा ने खेलो इंडिया 2023 में हिमाचल प्रदेश के लिए स्वर्ण पदक जीता
गोल्डन गर्ल दिव्या राणा का परिचय, जो हिमाचल में युवा लड़कियों के लिए प्रेरणा की अगली किरण बनने के लिए तैयार है। उनकी आश्चर्यजनक उपलब्धियाँ न केवल उनकी अविश्वसनीय प्रतिभा का प्रमाण हैं बल्कि उनके राज्य के लिए गर्व का स्रोत भी हैं। कई पदक हासिल करने के बाद, उन्होंने हाल ही में नॉर्थ जोनल स्पोर्ट्स इवेंट में हिमाचल का प्रतिनिधित्व करके अपनी कौशल का प्रदर्शन किया, और अपनी यात्रा में एक और शानदार अध्याय जोड़ा।
वह एक जबरदस्त मार्शल आर्टिस्ट है, जो कई आयोजनों में सक्रिय रूप से भाग लेती हैं और कई योग्य पदक हासिल कर चुकी हैं ।
दिव्या राणा युवा लड़की ने नॉर्थ जोनल खेलो इंडिया वुशु महिला लीग दिसंबर 2023 में हिमाचल प्रदेश का प्रतिनिधित्व किया और स्वर्ण पदक जीता।
दिव्या राणा ने यहां यह भी उल्लेख किया कि खेलो इंडिया उत्तर क्षेत्रीय महिला लीग में 42 लड़कियों ने भाग लिया था और उन्होंने इस आयोजन में जूनियर और सीनियर स्तर पर प्रदर्शन करने वाली सभी लड़कियों की सराहना की और निम्नलिखित हिमाचल प्रदेश से हैं 1) पूनम सांडा खिलाड़ी - कांस्य 2) कशिश ताइज़िशन इवेंट प्लेयर - गोल्ड। 3) आर्य इवेंट - ताईजीशान - सिल्वर 4) मनोरमा इवेंट - चांगक्वान - सिल्वर 5) ज्योति सांडा प्लेयर - ब्रॉन्ज 6) दया देवी इवेंट - जियानशु - सिल्वर 7) रिया - नानक्वान - सिल्वर 8) ज्योति - नंदाओ - गोल्ड 9) रजनी ताइची - कांस्य 10) अनीता सांडा खिलाड़ी - कांस्य 11) एंजल ताईजिशान रजत 12) अंशिका - नानक्वान - कांस्य 13) अवनी कपूर -चानक्वान सी - कांस्य 14) काजल बगुझांग इवेंट - कांस्य 15) पायल - जियानशु - कांस्य। हमें वास्तव में इन लड़कियों पर गर्व है जिन्होंने अच्छा प्रदर्शन किया और सम्मान श्रेणी में पदक जीते।
दिव्या राणा ने प्रमुख आयोजनों में भाग लिया और पदक जीते:
सीनियर नेशनल वुशु चैंपियनशिप में कांस्य पदक जीता: खेलो इंडिया के 2022-23 संस्करण में चंडीगढ़ विश्वविद्यालय में दिल्ली का प्रतिनिधित्व किया।
कांस्य पदक जीता - पुणे, महाराष्ट्र में 32वीं सीनियर राष्ट्रीय वुशु चैंपियनशिप में शानदार प्रदर्शन। जून 2023 - 2 जुलाई 2023
स्वर्ण पदक जीता - (जियांशू श्रेणी) छठी फेडरेशन कप वुशु चैंपियनशिप 20 से 24 मार्च 2023 (लवली प्रोफेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी जालंधर (पंजाब)
स्वर्ण पदक जीता - (क्यू इयान जी शू श्रेणी) छठी फेडरेशन कप वुशु चैंपियनशिप 20 से 24 मार्च 2023 (लवली प्रोफेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी जालंधर (पंजाब)
रजत पदक जीता - (चांगक्वान श्रेणी) छठी फेडरेशन कप वुशु चैंपियनशिप 20 से 24 मार्च 2023 (लवली प्रोफेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी जालंधर (पंजाब)
चौथा स्थान - 36वाँ राष्ट्रीय खेल: गुजरात 2022
दिल्ली के लिए कांस्य पदक (जियांशू श्रेणी) - श्रीनगर में 31वीं सीनियर राष्ट्रीय वुशु चैंपियनशिप 2022
2019 में ऑल इंडिया यूनिवर्सिटी में 4 गोल्ड
जूनियर नेशनल 2018 में 3 गोल्ड
दिव्या राणा ने 2016 में अपनी खेल यात्रा शुरू की और अपने खेल में कई पदक जीते।
दिव्या राणा ने अपने अगले प्रमुख लक्ष्य के रूप में उत्तराखंड में 2024 में होने वाले राष्ट्रीय खेलों पर नजर रखी है।
वह खेलों में भाग लेने की प्रेरणा का श्रेय अपने माता-पिता और रिश्तेदारों के अटूट समर्थन और प्रोत्साहन को देती हैं।
दिव्या राणा विशेष रूप से मोनी लामा को धन्यवाद देती हैं जो वुशु सिखाते हैं और हिमाचल प्रदेश के महासचिव श्री परमा नन्द आज़ाद सर को भी धन्यवाद देते हैं जिन्होंने मुझे इस आगामी अवसरों में मेरा प्रतिनिधित्व करने का मौका दिया।
जैसा कि हम खेल में उनकी उल्लेखनीय उपलब्धियों को देखते हैं, यह स्पष्ट हो जाता है कि उनकी सफलता व्यक्तिगत करियर के विकास से कहीं आगे तक फैली हुई है। यह उनके परिवार के लिए गर्व का स्रोत है और अनगिनत लड़कियों के लिए प्रेरणा का प्रतीक है। हम उनके भविष्य के प्रयासों में निरंतर सफलता और समृद्धि के लिए हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं देते हैं।
Divya Rana Represented Himachal in Khelo India 2023
Which are the famous / Popular temples in Himachal Pradesh?
Most Visited Famous and Popular Temples in Himachal
Himachal Pradesh also known as the land of Temples/Pilgrimages and there are thousand of temples and also, called “DEV Bhoomi Himachal”
Following list of discover the Spiritual Treasures of Himachal Pradesh – a Journey through its famous temples:
- Jwala Ji (Jwala Mukhi) Temple Kangra: This temple is dedicated to the goddess Jwalamukhi, who is believed to be the manifestation of the fiery form of goddess Durga. Jwala ji temple is a sacred temple dedicated to Goddess. Jwala, the incarnation of the eternal flame. the temple is famous for the unique manifestation of the Goddess, where a continuous natural flame emanates from the rock sanctum. Devotees believed that the nine flames represent Navadurga, and the temple has immense spiritual significance.
- Baijnath Temple, Kangra: This ancient temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is believed to have been built in the 9th century. This historic temple is an important pilgrimage site in Kangra, Himachal. The main temple houses a sacred lingam, and the architecture reflects the Nagara style, showcasing the artistic and cultural heritage of the region.
- Naina Devi Temple, Bilaspur: This temple is located on a hilltop and is dedicated to the goddess Naina Devi. It is believed that the eyes of Goddess Sati fell at this place, there hence, the temple was named ” Naina”, which mean eyes. The goddess is also called Mahishasuramardini, reflecting her role in killing the demon Mahishasura.
- Chamunda Devi Temple, Kangra: This temple is located on the banks of Ban Ganga river and is dedicated to the goddess Chamunda, who is considered to be an incarnation of Durga. According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Chamunda is said to have defeated the demons Chanda and Munda at this location. The goddess is also associated with the story of her slaying the buffalo demon, Mahishasura.
- Bhimakali Temple, Shimla: This temple is dedicated to the goddess Bhimakali, the presiding deity of the rulers of the former Bushahr state and is located in the town of Sarahan.
- Hidimba Devi Temple, Manali: Dedicated to the goddess Hidimba, the temple is located amidst the cedar forests of Manali.
- Baba Balak Nath Ji Temple, Bilaspur : The main shrine dedicated to Baba Balak Nath is located in the Dhaulagiri hills of Hamirpur and Bilaspurdistrict of Himachal Pradesh, India. This shrine is known as “Deotsidh” and is a significant pilgrimage site attracting devotees from various parts of the country.
- Jakhoo Temple, Shima: The Jakhoo Temple is dedicated to Lord Hanuman, the monkey god. One of the highlights of the temple is a giant statue of Lord Hanuman that stands at the temple premises. This statue is often visible from various parts of Shimla.
- Vashisht Temple , Manali : Vashishtha Temple is located at a distance of about 3 kilometers from Manali, a popular hill station in Himachal Pradesh, India. The temple is believed to be over 4,000 years old, making it an ancient pilgrimage site. According to Hindu mythology, Vashishtha meditated here. Apart from the temple, Vashishtha is also known for its hot water springs which are believed to have medicinal properties.
- Chintpurni Devi Temple, Una : Chintpurni Devi Temple is a pilgrimage place in India. Chintpurni is located in the Una district of Himachal Pradesh state, surrounded by the Western Himalayas in the Lesser Shivalik range bordering the state of Punjab to the north and east. Chintapurni is dedicated to the temple of Chhinnamastika Devi.
- Mata Brajeshwari Temple, Kangra : The Shree Bajreshwari Mata Mandir also known as Kangra Devi Mandir is one of the 51 Shakti Pithas dedicated to the goddess Bajreshwari, a form of Goddess Durga located in the town Kangra.
- Chandika Temple, Kinnaur : Chandika Devi Kothi Kalpa-Kothi village is situated between Reckong-Pio and Kalpa Kinnaur Himachal. The main attraction of the temple is the huge chariot of the goddess. This chariot is kept inside the temple. Gold statues of the Mother Goddess are decorated on it.
- Baba Baroh Temple : Baba Baroh Temple is about 23 kilometers from Kangra in Himachal Pradesh. Due to the presence of huge amount of marble in the construction of the temple, this temple easily attracts the attention of the tourists. This temple is known not only for its religious importance but also for the amazing sculptures installed inside the temple.
- Tara Devi Temple, Shimla : The temple of Maa Tara situated on the peak adjacent to Shimla is the fulfiller of every wish. This temple, built at a distance of about 11 kilometers from Shimla city, is quite old. Every year lakhs of people come here to seek blessings of the mother. It is said that Maa Tara was brought to Shimla from West Bengal about 250 years ago. A ruler of the Sena period had brought the idol of Maa Tara from Bengal to Shimla.
- Shani Dev Temple , Hamirpur : North India’s famous Shani Dev temple Lamblu Hamirpur, Himachal
Which are the famous fruits in Himachal Pradesh?
Himachal Pradesh is known for its wide variety of fruits due to its favorable climate and geographical conditions. Some of the famous fruits grown in Himachal Pradesh include:
- Apples: Himachal Pradesh is famous for red apples and its high quality. Some of the districts very popular like Shimla, Kinnaur and Kullu etc.
- Apricots: Apricots are grown in areas like Kinnaur and Kullu the state produces both fresh and dried apricots.
- Walnut: Although not a traditional fruit, Kinnaur is popular for its high quality walnuts
- Plum : Plum in Himachal is very popular and easly available. There are plum varieties in some of the popular places like Shimla, Mindi, Solan, Sirmour, Shimla. Mandi districts etc.
- Strawberries: Also grown in some of the places in Hmachal like Manali and people growing strawberries in village area as well
Snowfall in Himachal Before Diwali
Weather changed in Himachal and Leh-Manali Highway closed, Snowfall near Atal Tunnel and many other area in Himachal.
Temperature got down due to Snowfall in Himachal and near wise state. On Thursday, the maximum temperature in Una was 29.0, Kangra 27.6, Sundernagar 27.3, Bhuntar 26.4, Mandi 26.3, Dharamshala 25.0, Nahan 24.5, Chamba-Solan 24.1, Shimla 19.2, Manali 17.4, Kalpa 15.8, and Kufri recorded 12.3 degrees Celsius.
Himachal Pradesh Emerges as a Sporting Powerhouse, Contributing Significantly to India’s Athletic Success
Himachali women athletes excelled at the Asian Games in Hangzhou from September 29th to October 8th, 2023, bringing home gold in women’s Kabaddi category, Ritu negi from Sirmaur district, along with Pushpa and Kumar Sushma, Nidhi sharma from Bilaspur and Jyoti from Solan district as they proudly represented India.

Additionally, Vishal Bharadwaj from Una district made a significant contribution as a member of the men’s Kabaddi team, brining another gold in men’s category as well for India.
Also, there are many others players from Himachal who participated Asian games in Hangzhou China in 2023. Handball women squad players who are in Indian team like Diksha Kumari, Priyanka Thakur, and Shalini Thakur from Bilaspur district, along with Nidhi Sharma, Mitali Sharma, Bhavna, and Menaka from Solan district, represented the country in the handball competition.
All the players have been rewarded, serving as inspiration for youngsters in Himachal Pradesh. We hope to see an increasing number of players emerging in Indian sports in the future.